Power struggle

Can a woman that sees herself as an alpha female be with a Alpha male? 
 Women nowadays are screaming for independence but hate when a man steps back and lets them handle most things. 
Does that even make sense? 
Do your wants match who you are? 
How can a man play his rule when you want full control? 
The pairing of two Alphas can result in a power struggle. “Alpha women may believe the Alpha males are their ideal partner, a manly man, a provider, similar to herself. Although they might make an exciting relationship, they don’t make a good one,”  “One will always want to assert their authority.” And be the leader.
While it is possible for an alpha male and alpha female relationship to begin, it’s unlikely to survive for lifetime. Of course, there are always exceptions and an alpha male with a feminine alpha female can be a great match, but most alpha males are not attracted to alpha females who adopt a masculine attitude and approach to life. And most alpha females are just that!  
The more masculine a man is in his thinking, behavior, vibe and actions, the more attracted to a woman thats feminine in the way she thinks, behaves and acts. The more independent a woman is, is the more she feels the need to supress her natural femininity so hand in a hand you can see that a relationship consisting of two alphas can not last because ultimately they are not attracted to each others fundamental qualities.  
How can u possibly want a man to take control but then question and doubt all decisions that he makes. In turn How can u want a woman that is submissive if you don't take the lead and provide or play your role! As generations have gone by the roles of how a lasting relationship works have somehow reversed. Men don't mind being house husbands letting their women provide and become the sole breadwinner and some women enjoy being in control but dont take in to account there partners thoughts or feelings recognising that the male is the head. Both parties start to have a problem when it comes to respect cause let's face it how can u play different roles and gain or maintain respect. 

Once roles are exchanged, respect is lost! 

'Don't tell me what to do, I pay the bills.' 
This blog is really to give you an insight and some direction in the reflecting on your wants and needs and how and what you need to change in order to be the happiest you can be. Sometimes what we really want doesn't fit in with our personality and takes us to change or sometimes even tweak ourselves to get there. It may take time, Rome wasn't built in a day. But we all can start somewhere! 
All subjects i speak about will soon be followed by a vlog, getting a number of different people involved to                              see a wide range of thoughts and feelings on all of these interesting topics.


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