Weight loss diary

Daily diary- weight loss progamme and progression.


So last night after coming back from swimming I decided a change had to come and started thinking about my health and how I really want to feel in my own skin. So today has been the first day of the rest of my life and hopefully with the determination and motivation I have right now I can progress and smash the goals I've set for myself. 

Today I started my day with lemon, ginger and honey tea (LGHtea)
A strawberry and banana smoothie 
And 1/4 pineapple 

Chicken and salad
LGH tea 

Tuna and salad 

My intake of water has been on a low today but I ultimately aim to drink at less 2 litres of water a day. 

I will try to maintain a day to day input of my progression, what I do day to day in order to help others on the same path as me, with tips and exercises that will aid in getting us where we need to be. 

Today I started my day with lemon, ginger and honey tea (LGHtea)
A strawberry and banana smoothie 

Fruit smoothie with a sesame seed bar.

Chicken, brown pasta and salad


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