Never lose focus!

Everyone has goals and dreams, and everyone finds it difficult to stick to them. Always starting with good intentions, but can't seem to maintain consistency for a long period of time.
Beginning but never able to maintain focus and hold it down. 
Don't worry. I'm just as guilty of this as anyone else. I'll start  something, work on it for a little bit, then lose interest and try something else. Lose focus on my new project and try something else. And on and on. The cycle continues. When everything is said and done, I’ve stopped and started so many times that I've lost count and this never really helps me to make much progress.
Maybe you've felt the same about your focus every time you try and put your mind to something.
If you want to become better at anything, you first have to fall in love with the process of doing it. You have to fall in love with working towards the results, rather than just dreaming about them. Let me put this more basic
Fall in love with boredom. Fall in love with repetition. Fall in love with hard work and let the results take care of themselves.
I am more of a dreamer than a realist. 
Here are some tips in keeping your focus! 
• Do not to compare yourself to others. Everyone is different and there are a varied of ways to do things. Focus on yourself and always keep your chin up on those bad days, looking at how far you've come. This one is tough and easier said then done but somebody out there will benefit from your perspective.
• Make a schedule. Everyone has different methods of managing time and creating to-do lists, so figure out what works best for you. Are you most productive when you plan out the entire week, or do you like to take one day at a time? I have begun writing up a list of tasks at the start of each day. My schedule is pretty easy going. I just have a load of bullet points that I aim to cross off each day. Writing a plan of action has helped me in so different ways but definitely helped me to keep focus! 
• Talk about your dreams as much as you can. I really believe that when you talk about your dreams, you give them power. Telling other people about your plans, will give you a sense of responsibility to really make them happen. 
• Surround yourself with people who believe in you. They can give you a completely different perspective on things. Getting different opinions is so valuable because you can get a different outlook on things and make your results better. Discussing your dreams with people who think differently than you can actually leave you with a million more inspiring ideas.
What helps you stay motivated when you’re dreaming up exciting new projects? Please share and comment if you have any tips that could help someone to stay focused in fighting for their dreams! Thank you xx
All subjects i speak about will soon be followed by a vlog, getting a number of different people involved to                              see a wide range of thoughts and feelings on all of these interesting topics.


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