5 things I realised turning 30

5 things I realised turning 30 

On the route to turning 30 I could of cried. But I didn't I just turnt up with my friends and embraced my experiences. But on my way up I definitely can say I started to reflect on life. (To self analyse) I don't know what it was but I start to have a mini breakdown, thinking about where I could of been and where I was now! I can definitely  say I've had a lot of up's and loads of downs. I've cried, had my heartbroken, but because of this I can learn and better myself as a person. 
Share my experiences with others and do a better job of loving myself more after developing what it is I need to work on to make me a all round loving person and motivate myself to become a admiral indiviual. 
  • Are they even your friends - on turning 30 I started to look around and really ask myself if the people I chose to have around me really meant well for me. Sometimes you have to realise that not everyone has the same heart as you and if u only hear from someone when they want something from you and when you need them they're not there, the fact is there an associate! Cause friends go that extra mile. Now dont go out your way and start locking people off cause of what I've just wrote but be more dubious and realise who's got your back cause there's no point in having one sided friendship. 
  • Where have all the years gone - Don't be like me and let the years slip away. Be a go getter and Pursue the things you want in life, don't give up till u get them. Being successful is hard work but chasing your dream in you 20's is a lot easier then in you 30's. Not saying your ever to old but the sooner you start the earlier u can retire and really enjoy life.
  • Look after yourself - it is vital that you look after yourself 100%. As you get older you start to see things change. Losing weight isn't as easy as it was before, metabolism starts to slow down. Keep yourself hydrated and watch your skin glow, as you get older you start to see cracks, by keeping hydrated this process will take much longer. Your body doesn't feel the same as it used to, back starts to hurt, legs start to creek. Always look after yourself in order for you to feel younger for longer. 
  • Believe - instead of thinking chapter 30, write a whole new book. Believe that ur life is what u make it. Get a Career instead of a job, do what u love and don't let no one tell u it's to late. Where there's a will there's always a way! 
  • Learn - learn from heartache, learn from pain, become strong, don't make the same mistakes twice. Love like never before. Most importantly love yourself and let that radiates from you and then you'll only attract love! 
All subjects i speak about will soon be followed by a vlog, getting a number of different people involved to see a wide range of thoughts and feelings on all of these interesting topics.


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