Is he keeping his contact with his baby mom secret?

Is he keeping his contact with his baby mom secret?
One of the basic fundamentals in making a lasting loving relationship is having open and honest communication with your partner. So if you feel you have to wonder or turn into an FBI agent on him then chances are that there is a breakdown in communication and I would urge you to get to the bottom of it pronto. 
Your man should want to openly and naturally include you in the raising of his children and openly share all aspects of his life, as time goes on his babies mother is bound to be mentioned from time to time. So the next time, you ask him about coming with him to watch Junior’s football game and he tries to divert the subject, you may want to find out why you wanting to come poses as such a big problem. 
 Do you go and pick his children up with him? 
Red flag alert! 
If he won't let u come along for the ride when his dropping his kids off....
What’s so top secret over there that you can’t be part of ? 
Maybe its you and  your existence that is top secret to the baby momma. Not allowing you to ride along is a big indication that he is hiding something from you or vice versa, you from her. Whatever the case may be, there is a reason why he doesn’t want the two of you to meet. 
Some men I’ve talked with about this very issue will say that keeping both women at opposite ends presents less drama. But let’s be real—if all parties are mature adults and assuming that he has been honest with everyone involved.
 Why would there be any drama?
Does his phone go to voicemail when she calls? 
Understandable, if you’re out being fine dined by him, then it might be rude of him to answer, but if the two of you are lazying around in the house and he’s in the position to answer the phone but yet you see him deliberately push the button to send the call to voicemail, go ahead and raise your brow to that one. What kind of conversation with her is he having that he never seems to want to have in front of you. The phone will rings again and you know it will because most women will call right back, ask him to answer to see what’s up (could be an emergency with the kids, right?). If he then answers but gets up and goes to another area in the room out of your earshot, then.........
“Houston, we definitely have a problem!” 
What doesn’t he want you to hear? 
Innocent people usually don't act this way......typically not when their not guilty.
Is he awkward and nervous the very first time you and his “baby momma” come face to face? 
Most mothers are concerned about the welfare of their children and no matter how much trust or faith they have in knowing that their children’s’ father would not put the kids in harm’s way, I’m sure they would still be interested to know whose company their children are in.
So its only right an introduction is arranged, no ones saying a formal over the top intro is needed. But it would be only right to meet eachother in a casual way no matter how awkward you feel. 
When this first meeting takes place, does he have nervous energy? Is he being basic and trying to rush her away? If he’s noticeably uncomfortable and she appears smug and seemingly taking pleasure in his reaction, then please stop kidding yourself—there is some type of arrangement going on between these two that you clearly did not get the memo on!
The reality is that there are some men that like to have their cake and eat it too and there are some women that are ok with this and are reaping the benefits and the comforts of being with familiar territory—aka their ex (baby daddy). There might not necessarily be any romantic feelings involved between your man and his baby momma and it is just what it is – they have a mutual understanding upon arrangement between themselves for sexual maintenance. Please don't be too alarmed, I’m here to tell you that this type of deal is real and it is very, very relevant in today's society.
So, if you notice any of those indicators in your relationship; then I would suggest that you 
STOP, Do not collect £200 pounds and definitely, DO NOT PASS GO! 
All subjects i speak about will soon be followed by a vlog, getting a number of different people involved to see a wide range of thoughts and feelings on all of these interesting topics.


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