Do all men cheat!

I've often asked myself this question over and over again throughout my whole entire adult life and it's safe to say YES most but NOT all men are cheaters. 

I say most cause just by looking around, hearing friends story's or even watching television we are confronted everyday with a dishonest and moraless world that plays back to back television shows  to name and shame cheating predators. (cheaters, Jeremy Kyle, Murray etc) 

Does love exist and if so what is it? 

Does love really exist, do people nowadays actually care about others or is their life just about there own self gratification! 
Love to me is when u actively put someone else's feelings above your own, always thinking about what ur loved ones thoughts and feelings are and wanting to make them happy. 

But in today's society this seems so far fetched. 
People through my eyes are only searching for self pleasure and mis using the word love so frequently. 

Can you cheat when in love? 

Is that even possible? 

I think we live in a world where many people have experienced bad things and things have moulded and formed them into the people they stand to be today. (Broken) me being one!

Many have said to me you can cheat when being in love but in my head I then think to myself, what is your definition of love and is the love you talk about, just your interpretation of what you think love is. Cause I know my love wouldn't cheat! 


All subjects i speak about will soon be followed by a vlog, getting a number of different people involved to see a wide range of thoughts and feelings on all of these interesting topics.




  1. But honestly hun you are beautiful inside and out
    You can rock all the make up and what not but to me you are an inspiration because you can also rock your own skin and hair
    I'll never forget what you did for me years ago
    Non judgmental and you always tried to include me in everything you did whether it was saying come to this or even inviting me to your birthday plans and end of year meals
    You are an inspiration and someone who I'll always hold dear to me
    Keep doing your thing because it will only make you better xxxxxxxxxx

  2. It is the sorry state of this world. This is what erodes women's trust.


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